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Fast-Track Content Localization with NeuralSpace LocAI

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Fast-Track Content Localization with NeuralSpace LocAI

Half the Efforts, Double the Impact

Streaming services have changed how the world consumes media, driving demand for international content. From Bollywood to anime and Korean hits like Squid Game - Netflix's most-watched program in 94 countries - audiences are embracing a world of entertainment. Broadcasters now face the challenge and opportunity of globalizing their offerings.

Localizing content requires significant effort. It's a labor-intensive, time-consuming process managed by global teams through disjointed workflows. As audiences expand, the complexity of content localization increases.

Thanks to advancements in generative technologies, AI is reshaping the way we work, boosting productivity, improving collaboration and lightening workloads. 

In this article, we delve into a crucial aspect of content localization: turnaround time. By comparing traditional manual methods with AI-assisted subtitling using the LocAI platform, we aim to show the significant time-saving benefits that AI brings to the table. Decision makers in media houses and language service providers (LSPs) stand to gain insights into how the adoption of AI technology slashes the content turnaround time by up to half in our experiment.

Lightening the load of Manual Subtitling 

To compare the turnaround time (TAT) between manual and AI assisted methods our team did a comparative analysis using NeuralSpace’s LocAI platform. We compared the time taken to manually transcribe a video in English, Hindi and Arabic and the same using LocAI’s AI-assisted subtitling tool.

LocAI Subtitle Editor

Efficiency Gains: Manual vs. AI-Assisted

We found that AI-assisted subtitling significantly reduced the Turnaround Time (TAT) by an average of 47%, demonstrating a substantial efficiency gain. It's worth noting that this remarkable 47% TAT reduction figure is based on benchmarking data. Moreover, as the number of languages increases and the AI processes more hours of content, the average TAT is expected to improve even further. See below the comparative time savings across English, Hindi, and Arabic subtitles.

While AI-assisted subtitling showed impressive efficiency, it also maintained high standards of accuracy and quality, comparable to the meticulous work of professional subtitlers.

See below a comparison of the human efforts in the fully manual subtitling round vs the AI assisted round. 

The integration of AI in subtitling not only expedited the process but also allowed subtitlers to focus on quality enhancement and fine-tuning, leading to more productive use of human expertise.

Embrace a Self-Improving AI with LocAI

The efficiency gains with LocAI are significant. By automating subtitle generation and translation, LocAI cuts subtitling turnaround time from around 12 hours (manual process) for every hour of multilingual content subtitled, to just over 1 hour. This dramatic reduction in time, coupled with the decrease in manual labor, translates into substantial cost savings, making high-quality subtitling both accessible and affordable.

In today's global content market, the ability to break language barriers is invaluable. LocAI facilitates this by providing accurate translations in over 70 languages, empowering content creators to reach audiences worldwide. This global reach was once hindered by the need for native speaker talent and the high costs of manual translation. With LocAI, these barriers are dismantled, allowing for seamless content distribution across linguistic boundaries.

LocAI: Media Localization For The AI Era

LocAI Homepage

Connecting with international audiences through content localization is key to growth in this challenging industry. Artificial Intelligence is transforming how content is delivered globally, offering a blend of productivity enhancements and cost reductions that are hard to ignore. What used to be a post-production challenge - subtitling - is now a strategic advantage, enabling you to significantly widen your audience reach and boost revenue.

LocAI brings teams together in one platform, combining advanced editing features with project management tools, simplifying every step of the localization process. With LocAI, you own your AI model, ensuring that your intellectual property never leaves your ecosystem. Plus, it gets smarter with every use, finetuning its accuracy based on your data and feedback. This adaptability ensures that as your audience develops and your content requirements evolve, LocAI grows with you, future-proofing your localization workflow.

Visit our website to learn more or contact our sales team at for a personalized demo.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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