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Maximizing Localization Efficiency with LocAI Analytics

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Maximizing Localization Efficiency with LocAI Analytics

The localization industry is experiencing a transition towards AI-driven solutions. AI tools promise efficiency, consistency, and cost-effectiveness, enticing organizations to adopt these cutting-edge solutions. Yet, amidst the allure of AI, a critical need arises: the ability to measure the actual impact that AI is bringing to business operations.

Another set of challenges loom large: team management, time zone disparities, attrition rates, and the growing prevalence of freelance work. These factors compound the complexity of localization projects, demanding robust solutions that not only optimize processes but also foster collaboration and mitigate logistical hurdles.

In this article, we focus on how LocAI tackles these challenges, empowering teams to thrive in the fast-paced subtitling landscape.

Data-Driven Decision-making

Data has become the cornerstone of contemporary businesses and organisations, and LocAI is no exception. From delving into customer insights to enhancing operational efficiency, leveraging data effectively permeates every facet of LocAI's operations. Within the sphere of project and team management, analytics assume a pivotal role in overseeing progress, pinpointing bottlenecks, and refining workflows.

By tapping into the potential of analytics, LocAI users can glean invaluable insights into different facets of their projects and teams. Whether it's tracking individual performance or gauging overall project progress, analytics furnish the necessary information to make informed decisions and propel success forward.

The Role of LocAI Analytics in Team Management

Effective team management requires more than just overseeing tasks and deadlines. It involves understanding the dynamics of your team, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and optimising workflows for maximum efficiency. This is where analytics is a game-changer.

With LocAI's analytics features, managers can gain a comprehensive view of their team's performance and productivity. By tracking metrics such as session durations, idle sessions, and completed project count, managers can identify areas for improvement and take proactive measures to enhance team efficiency. 

Furthermore, analytics enable managers to allocate resources effectively, ensuring that team members are working on tasks that align with their skills and expertise. By leveraging data to make informed decisions, managers can foster a culture of accountability and drive continuous improvement within their teams.

  • Team Onboarding: Easily onboard your entire team onto the LocAI platform, with the ability to assign and revoke permissions for access to various functionalities.
  • Custom Roles: Create custom roles for team members based on their scope of work, with descriptions for clarity.
  • Report Dashboard: Access a comprehensive reporting dashboard to track individual and overall project progress, with insights on parameters such as session durations, AI involvement, idle sessions, and completed project counts.

Diving into LocAI's Analytics Features

LocAI offers a range of analytics features designed to provide managers with the insights they need to succeed. From project management to team performance tracking, LocAI's analytics capabilities empower users to make data-driven decisions with confidence. Let's take a closer look at some of these features. 

Session Duration

This feature allows managers to track the total active hours spent by team members on projects. By understanding daily work hours, managers can optimise resource allocation, ensure workload balance, and identify productivity trends over time.

AI Involvement

Gain insights into the proportion of work completed by AI compared to human involvement. Understanding AI's contribution helps in assessing efficiency, identifying areas where automation can be enhanced, and optimising workflows for maximum productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Completed Project Count

Keep a comprehensive record of the number of projects finalised on the platform. This metric provides a clear indication of project progress, helping managers to gauge team productivity, set realistic goals, and celebrate achievements.

Completed Duration

Track the cumulative duration of completed projects to measure the team's overall productivity and progress over time. Understanding completed project durations helps in setting benchmarks, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring timely delivery of projects.

Project Count by Date

Visualise the fluctuation of project activity over time with project count metrics organised by date. This insight enables managers to identify peak periods of project influx, allocate resources accordingly, and optimise workflow schedules to maintain productivity and meet deadlines consistently.

Project Duration by Date

Gain a comprehensive view of project timelines with duration metrics categorised by date. This feature facilitates strategic planning, helps in identifying trends in project duration, and enables managers to adjust project schedules and allocate resources effectively to ensure timely project delivery and optimise team performance.


The section tracks certain progress throughout the platform for a team, sets specific milestones and helps to keep track of important metrics like number of hours of content processed and so on.

With LocAI's powerful analytics features, users can unlock valuable insights into their projects and teams, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive success. Whether you're managing a team of collaborators or overseeing multiple projects, LocAI's analytics capabilities provide the tools you need to succeed in today's competitive landscape. 

Visit our website to learn more or contact our sales team at for a personalized demo. 

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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