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Leading the way in Tagalog Speech Recognition
Leading the way in Tagalog Speech Recognition

Our model outperforms Google, Azure, and OpenAI, with an 81.55% higher accuracy than Google.

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Fast-Track Content Localization with NeuralSpace LocAI
Fast-Track Content Localization with NeuralSpace LocAI

Insights into how the adoption of AI technology slashes the content turnaround time by up to half in our experiment.

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Word Error Rate 101: Your Guide to STT Vendor Evaluation
Word Error Rate 101: Your Guide to STT Vendor Evaluation

One of the key factors to consider when evaluating an STT model is the Word Error Rate (WER).

Aditya Dalmia
Aditya Dalmia

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The Impact of Transcription AI and Speech Analytics in Customer Contact Centers
The Impact of Transcription AI and Speech Analytics in Customer Contact Centers
Explore how transcription AI and speech analytics are necessities in modernizing customer service.
July 31, 2024
NeuralSpace & Lingy Boost Global Logistics Efficiency: Customer Story
NeuralSpace & Lingy Boost Global Logistics Efficiency: Customer Story
NeuralSpace's sophisticated language AI capabilities guarantee accurate translation and transliteration, enhancing global operations.
July 31, 2024
VerboLabs Improves Efficiency with NeuralSpace’s AI-Powered Solutions
VerboLabs Improves Efficiency with NeuralSpace’s AI-Powered Solutions
The adoption of NeuralSpace's AI-powered localization services marked a turning point for VerboLabs. Here’s how NeuralSpace helped
July 31, 2024