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Maximizing Localization Efficiency with LocAI Analytics
Maximizing Localization Efficiency with LocAI Analytics

Delve into how LocAI addresses challenges of team management, time zones, and freelancing to empower teams in the dynamic subtitling landscape

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
ABS-CBN Doubles Localization Speed with LocAI
ABS-CBN Doubles Localization Speed with LocAI

Together, we've created LocAI, a content localization platform that will broaden the reach of its programming through digital distribution.

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Maximizing Content Reach: How Broadcasters Are Leveraging AI To Unlock Global Growth
Maximizing Content Reach: How Broadcasters Are Leveraging AI To Unlock Global Growth

Explore key trends and challenges shaping the media industry in 2024, and three innovative ways in which AI is unlocking global growth for streaming services.

The Self-Improving AI Advantage with LocAI
The Self-Improving AI Advantage with LocAI

LocAI can auto-generate scripts and translated subtitles using self-improving AI that’s finetuned on your data.


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The Impact of Transcription AI and Speech Analytics in Customer Contact Centers
The Impact of Transcription AI and Speech Analytics in Customer Contact Centers
Explore how transcription AI and speech analytics are necessities in modernizing customer service.
July 31, 2024
NeuralSpace & Lingy Boost Global Logistics Efficiency: Customer Story
NeuralSpace & Lingy Boost Global Logistics Efficiency: Customer Story
NeuralSpace's sophisticated language AI capabilities guarantee accurate translation and transliteration, enhancing global operations.
July 31, 2024
VerboLabs Improves Efficiency with NeuralSpace’s AI-Powered Solutions
VerboLabs Improves Efficiency with NeuralSpace’s AI-Powered Solutions
The adoption of NeuralSpace's AI-powered localization services marked a turning point for VerboLabs. Here’s how NeuralSpace helped
July 31, 2024